Update On The .zil Launch

Jul 07, 2019

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Hello everyone,

Big news — .Zil domains will be going live on chain this Tuesday, July 9th!

Updated Timeline

*All times are in PST*

Go Live — July 9th

Domains will go live on the blockchain and will be distributed to users who pre-ordered domains. Domains can then be transferred and freely used for payments. Starting July 9th, domain names purchased will be registered on chain and will be available for immediate use.

Listing Service — August 7th

The domain listing service will be deployed the first week of August with a target go-live date of August 7th. We plan to launch it on-chain on July 31st, and will use that first week of August for on chain testing before it’s used.

You will have two ways to sell a domain using the listing service. You can list a domain for sale along with contact information or you can put the domain in a smart contract with a ‘sell now’ price. A buyer can pay the contract with Zilliqa and immediately get the domain — no need for escrow!

Auction Phase Two — August 22nd

The second phase of the auction will go live on August 22nd. The delay will give users time to start using their domains and to familiarize themselves with the auction process. This also gives Unstoppable Domains time to integrate more partners and to release our mobile backup app prior to the auction.

Domain Distribution Details

Trademarked domains — October 15th

We have received multiple Trademark verifications as well as a list of trademarks currently registered with the Trademark Clearing House. These domains will not be distributed on July 9th. If you’ve purchased one of these domains, the domain will be labeled either as part of the ‘Pending’ or as ‘contested’ in the My Domains section (you will be able to see these labels in your account on July 9th)‘Pending’ means that the domain was on the list of Trademarkable domains and ‘contested’ means that someone has already provided a  verification. Trademark holders will have until October 15th to prove their trademark and to purchase the domain. If this happens, then the original buyer will be refunded. If more than 1 person provides a valid , then an auction will take place between parties who hold a .

Domains associated with exploitation

We have partnered with Thorn, a technology company focused on eliminating child exploitation from the internet. Using Thorn’s API, we will be burning domains associated with child exploitation. We are doing this to make it harder for bad actors to use blockchain domains for harmful purposes. This is an important step to take because once domains are distributed, domains are controlled completely by the user. As this technology advances, it’s critical that we find ways to prevent bad actors from benefiting from the technology. This is just one of many steps we plan to take to ensure the safety of the community.

Next Steps

On July 9th, domains will become available for use and to transfer. Once domains go live, you will be able to use your .zil domain for payments with our first supporting wallet Moonlet. We are actively working on additional wallet integrations.

We will be releasing documentation and video tutorials in the coming days that explain how to generate a private key, how to use your domain with Moonlet, and how to transfer a domain. Please stay tuned and get ready to use your .zil domains!

The Unstoppable Team



