
Announcing Our Esteemed Judges for the Unstoppable x AWS x Devpost Hackathon

May 06, 2024·Last updated on May 06, 2024

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We are thrilled to introduce the panel of judges who will be presiding over the upcoming Unstoppable x AWS x Devpost Hackathon. This global, virtual event promises to be an exciting showcase of innovation, bringing together the brightest minds in the Web3 space to push the boundaries of what's possible with blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

We’ve selected a panel of judges with a wealth of experience and innovative spirit. Without further ado, let's meet our distinguished judges:

From Unstoppable Domains:

Andy Wilkinson: Andy's journey began as a Customer Success Agent and has since evolved into the role of Head of Community and Support. With over two years of experience at Unstoppable and a background spanning nine years in tech support and data analytics, Andy brings a wealth of knowledge to the judging panel. As an early crypto adopter since 2014, Andy possesses a deep understanding of the blockchain space.

Mike Standing: With over two years as a senior support agent at Unstoppable, Mike is a seasoned expert in blockchain technology. His early adoption of Bitcoin in 2009 and involvement in NXT in 2013 highlight his pioneering spirit in the crypto realm. Mike's technical acumen and passion for NFTs make him a valuable addition to our panel of judges.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca: As an Engineering, Design, and Product Lead at Unstoppable, Lisa is at the forefront of innovation in the blockchain industry. With an impressive tenure at IBM and recognition as the 2nd Most Prolific Female Inventor globally, Lisa S brings a unique perspective to the judging panel. Her induction into the Women in Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame underscores her remarkable achievements in technology.

Lisa Wojtaszczyk: As Head of Marketing, Lisa W is a driving force behind the brand's success. With two years of experience at and a background in digital marketing, Lisa W is adept at crafting strategies to elevate brands and engage targeted audiences.

Sandy Carter: Serving as the COO of Unstoppable, Sandy is a dynamic leader with a wealth of experience in technology and business development. With a background as Vice President at AWS and expertise in AI, IoT, and blockchain, Sandy is well-positioned to evaluate innovative projects at the intersection of Web3 and AI.

From Amazon Web Services (AWS):

James Burdon: As an AWS Startup Senior Solutions Architect specializing in Web 3.0 and Blockchain, James plays a pivotal role in helping startups leverage cutting-edge technologies to build innovative solutions. With seven years of experience at AWS, James brings a deep understanding of blockchain applications and machine learning to the judging panel.

Forrest Colyer: Forrest, an AWS Sr. Blockchain Specialist Solutions Architect, is dedicated to driving blockchain adoption and innovation. With over three years of experience at AWS, Forrest has helped clients across industries design and implement high-impact blockchain solutions.

Brad Feinstein: As the AWS Head of Web3 in North America, Brad is a trusted advisor with a decade of experience in technology and business development. Brad's passion for fostering innovation and forging strong relationships makes him an invaluable member of our judging panel.

We are incredibly grateful to have such a diverse and experienced panel of judges for the Unstoppable x AWS Devpost Hackathon. Their expertise will ensure a fair and rigorous evaluation process, ultimately recognizing the most innovative projects at the intersection of Web3 and AI.

Hackathon submissions close on June 10th, with down-selection and judging taking place until June 24th. We look forward to seeing all the incredible projects!

Go to the Devpost hackathon page.